Living Guide —Quiet and Consideration Hours

Student reading a text book.

In residence hall areas, quiet hours are in effect during the following times:

Sunday – Thursday 8 pm  – 7 am

Friday - Saturday & evenings preceding University holidays: Midnight – 9 am

During these times, noise must be kept at a low volume to allow residents to sleep or study in their room without disruption. During times of rigorous academic requirements, such as final exams, quiet hours will be extended to 22 hours per day. Changes in these hours will be clearly posted throughout the halls. It is important to hold yourself and others accountable for upholding quiet hours to ensure the academic success of all residents. Just because your finals are over doesn’t mean your neighbor isn’t still studying.

Consideration hours are provided to respect the rights of others to study and sleep 24 hours per day. Careful attention must be paid to control the noise of even normal activities due to the density of residence hall living. As a result, you must refrain from creating high noise levels from audio systems, voices, or activities.

Due to the quiet and consideration hours, the playing of amplified musical instruments within residence hall rooms is not allowed. Non-amplified instruments are permitted only if the volume is respectful to quiet and consideration hours. Wadsworth Hall provides a tap-accessible music room on the ground floor where instruments can be played. All residence hall students can use the music room.