There are many reports contained in ASPIRE that can assist you in managing Sponsored Project (Research) needs. These reports can be found under the "Research" section on the ASPIRE Main Menu.
To obtain access to these reports, you will need to request access for the Research area from Financial Information Systems. On the Banner Access form, under ASPIRE Access (page 2), select "Research Information" (BAN_GEN_RSCH_USER_C).
This menu will give the user the ability to produce graph representing research dollars, research participation counts or net ICR dollars by center, college/school, Engineering or Science and Arts.
This report produces a list of research proposals that have been submitted through Sponsored Programs or IIE and have not yet been awarded or denied. The user has the ability to choose a department at run time.
This report provides a summary of all budgeted research dollars, spent dollars and remaining balances by department. The report also provide the number of active projects included in each department summary.
This report will provide a summary of square feet and number of rooms utilized by research activities and provides the option of choosing a summary level by org level (VP, College, Department) as well as project start and end dates.
This report is similar to the Summary by College-Department in that it provides a summary of research budgets and expenditures as well as the number of rooms and square footage. The report can be run Dean, Department or Financial Manager.
This report will provide a listing of indexes, proposal numbers, index end dates, balance, and project title and can be run by Dean, Department or Financial Manager.
These reports will provide reporting on sponsored projects that have either expired or are expiring soon.
This report provides a listing of all projects that have expired (are past their end date), as well as provide the balance of those indexes.
This report will give a summary of project by sponsor name, the total project budgets, and balances. The report can be run by date range, college level, department level, or Center level.
This report will provide financial information for active projects by grant code in Banner. The information in the report is by grant number, financial manager, proposal number, index number, index title, the balance of the index as well as the start and end dates of the sponsored project. This report can be run by financial manager gender, index status (active / inactive), college, department, by grant number or by financial manager.
This report provides a summary of indirect cost rates being charged to sponsored project. It provides a count of project by rate, and an estimate of budgeted base amount (MTDC) and the net indirect cost rate to be collected. The report can be run by research type, college, department or by center.
This report provides an estimate of Net ICR, and IRAD collection by index. The report can be run by center, college and/or department.
This report will display a listing of all active indexes, with corresponding proposal number, index title, budget, balance, MTDC balance, Net ICR, and projected IRAD amounts. This report can be run by center, college, department or by building.
This report can be run by expense type, fiscal year, and by college and will display the total expenses by the chose expense type and a breakdown of the percentage of external vs internal expenses.
The report will show a summary of each investigator's award information. This report can be run by college, department, grant or principal investigator, investigator type (PI / Co-PI), gender or index status (active or inactive).
This report opens to a menu which provides various other reports to run. These report will assist in projecting sponsored program activity. Visit Research Projections for more information.
This report can be run by organization, faculty rank, tenure status or gender. The report will show the names of all researchers meeting that criteria, their department, tenure status, balance of all research activity, net ICR, dollars of indirect cost per assigned square footage and total assigned square footage.
Note - based on your ASPIRE access you might not have access to all of the Research Reports.