This category includes all activities that are part of an institution's instructional program. Space used for teaching and sponsored training activities (other than training regarding research techniques) including course preparation, classroom instruction, study areas for students, academic advising of students by faculty, and any other activities that involve credit or non-credit.
- Includes:
- classrooms & classroom laboratories
- instructional computer laboratories & instructional service rooms
- faculty and teaching assistant offices used only for instructional activities
- sponsored instruction
- Excludes:
- department chair's office and support space
- institutional libraries
- training regarding research techniques (code as Organized Research - OR)
- time spent on committee related activities
Tip: If FUNC code is 1.0, assign 51% or more to INST (split according to S&W for multiple index types).
Space used for general research that is not separately budgeted and accounted for. This includes preliminary research and non-competitive individual research efforts that do not receive external or specific internal funding. An example of such programs is seed or start up funds for a new faculty member. MTU Incentive monies would also be considered Departmental Research.
Departmental Research is funded from budgets that are NOT restricted to a specific project. Includes non-competitive research activities financed by general operating funds (A13* indexes), or indexes which are not separately budgeted and accounted for, and typically do not have the characteristics of organized research or sponsored awards.
Tip: If FUNC code is 2.0 and assigned indexes are tan, assign 51% or more to DR (split according to S&W for multiple index types).
Space used for separately budgeted and accounted for research and development activities. Organized research projects are defined as projects that require a proposal or other application to obtain funding, have a defined scope of work associated with the project, anticipate a "deliverable" result, and require that periodic financial and progress reports be submitted to the sponsor.
- Sponsored Research. (B.1.b(1)) Space used to conduct research and development activities that are separately budgeted and are supported by external sources (e.g. federal and non-federal agencies, state or local government, corporate, other private). This term includes activities involving the training of individuals in research techniques (commonly called research training) where such activities utilize the same facilities as other research activities and where such activities are not included in the Instruction function.
- University Research. (B.1.b(2)) Space used for separately budgeted and accounted for research supported by internal application of university funds. For F&A purposes, university research shall be combined with sponsored research under the function of organized research.
- Includes:
- space used for research grants and contracts funded by federal or state Governments, corporations, and foundations
- space used to administer research grants and to prepare progress reports for current awards
- space occupied by faculty contributing effort (cost sharing) to sponsored research projects
- faculty and research assistant offices used for organized research activities
- space used for training of individuals in research techniques, commonly called research training, where such activities use the same facilities as other research activities
- departmental space used to house and support animals used in research that is not part of the Animal Care Facilities Organization
- Animal Care Facility space used in conducting research by investigators apart from housing animal cages, cage washings and feeding
- departmental research
- drug studies
Tip: If FUNC code is 2.0 and assigned index(es) are gold, assign 51% or more to OR (split according to S&W for multiple index types).
Space used for activity that is neither considered OR (organized research) nor DR (departmental research), however it is funded by an external source (grant, contract, or cooperative agreement). Examples of such programs and projects are health service projects, drug studies (human subjects) and community service programs.
Gifts from the Michigan Tech Fund are not considered an external source. If a program or project appears to be an OSA project, but is funded by Michigan Tech Fund, then the space used for the project would be considered OIA.
- Includes:
- sponsored health service
- sponsored community service programs
Tip: If FUNC code is 3.0 and assigned index(es) are blue, assign 51% or more to OSA (split according to S&W for multiple index types).
Space that cannot be classified into any of the other categories should use OIA. Auxiliary activities and development fund/raising activities should be included here also.
Tip: If FUNC codes 6.2, 9.0, or 12.0 assign 100% to OIA.
Space used by Provost, dean’s offices, academic department heads, faculty or clerical staff for administrative purposes. This includes common use space that is utilized by the entire department that may include copy rooms, conference rooms, break rooms, and file rooms. Auxiliary services should not use this, even for their administrative functions.
- Includes:
- dean, department head and faculty offices and supporting service rooms
- clerical & administrative offices
- departmental libraries not part of the University Library system
- departmental conference rooms
- academic counseling and advising for faculty and staff
- departmental academic counseling and advising
- Excludes:
- space not used for administrative or clerical functions such as conducting instruction & departmental research, organized research, or other sponsored activities
- clerical and administrative activities which benefit the entire University such as the Controller’s function, and other General & Administrative (Institutional Support) activities
- training regarding research techniques (code as Organized Research - OR)
- time spent on committee related activities
Tip: If FUNC code is 4.2, assign 100% to DA.
Space used by the President’s office, Accounting Services, and HR are all examples of GA space.
Tip: If FUNC code is 6.1, assign 100% to GA.
Space used by the Facilities Management department, environmental safety and central receiving are all examples of OM space.
Tip: If FUNC code is 7.0, assign 100% to OM.
This category should include admissions and registrar offices and those activities whose primary purpose is to contribute to the student's emotional and physical well-being and to his or her intellectual, cultural, and social development outside the context of the formal instructional program.
Space used by Admissions, OSRR, Counseling and placement services, and Student Financial Aid Office are all examples of SAS space.
Tip: If FUNC code is 5.0, assign 100% to SAS.
Van Pelt Library only. Do not include departmental libraries since they should be included in DA.
Tip: If FUNC code is 4.1 assign 100% to LIB.
Space that is not being used now and has been vacant for more than six months. Apply the 12 Month Rule for future use. If the space is currently not occupied, but you know a research project is going to be in the space in the future, then put the project down in that space. This category should not be used, unless you have an area that is currently under construction or renovation. Since this will be a FATAL error, you need to apply the 12 Month Rule.
Tip: If FUNC code is 13.0, assign 100% to VAC.
Space used by the offices of VP-Research: Sponsored Programs, Sponsored Operations, Research Integrity, Research Development, and Innovation and Commercialization.
Tip: If FUNC code is 6.3, assign 100% to SPA or split depending on index(es) assigned (possibly DA, OR, OSA, or DR) then split the percentage accordingly.