Michigan Tech Fact Book (Institutional Research)
- Standardized Test Scores and High School Percentile
- Admissions-Applied, Accepted, Enrolled by College (New Freshman, New Transfer Students, Graduate Students)
- Enrollment of First Time Freshman by College and Major
- Enrollment of New Transfer Students by College, Major, and Class
Institutional Research Data Set (Institutional Research)
- Freshmen Admissions
- Transfer Admissions
- Graduate Admissions
- Freshmen Matriculation
- Freshmen SAT/ACT Scores
- H.S. Percentile
Common Data Set (Institutional Research)
- First-Time, First-Year (Freshmen) Admission - Applications
- First-Time, First-Year (Freshmen) Admission - Freshmen Profile (Standardized Test Scores, HS Percentile, HS GPA)
- Transfer Admissions - Fall Applicants
Michigan Tech Compendium (Institutional Research)
- First-Time Enrollment
- SAT/ACT Scores
Michigan Tech Dashboard - Incoming Freshmen High School GPA (Institutional Research)
- Incoming Freshmen High School GPA
Academic Affairs Quality Measures Dashboard (Academic Affairs)
- Incoming Freshmen High School GPA
Student Dashboard (Admissions) (Institutional Research)
- Totals by Category
- Applied, Accepted, and Enrolled by Year
- Accepted and Yield Percentage by Year
- ACT and SAT Scores
Budget Reports (Budget and Planning Office)
- General Fund Budget by Objects
- General Fund Budget by Programs
- General Fund Budget by Budget Unit by Object
- General Fund Budget by Budget Unit by Program
Michigan Tech Dashboard - Section A: Annual Operating Budget (Budget and Planning Office)
- Section A: Annual Operating Budget
Michigan Tech Compendium (Institutional Research)
- General Fund Base Budget
Michigan Tech Fact Book (Institutional Research)
- Degrees Awarded by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
- Degrees Awarded by Discipline
- History of Graduation Rates
- History of Retention Rates
Institutional Research Data Set (Institutional Research)
- Degrees by College - History
- Degrees by Major - History
Common Data Set (Institutional Research)
- Graduation Rates
- Degrees Conferred
- Retention Rates
Michigan Tech Compendium (Institutional Research)
- Degrees Awarded
- % of Freshmen Graduating within 150% of Expected Time
- Time to Degree (Graduate)
- Retention Rates
Michigan Tech Dashboard - PhDs Awarded (Enterprise Application Services)
- Number of PhDs Awarded
Academic Affairs Quality Measures Dashboard (Academic Affairs)
- Undergraduate Graduation Rate
- First-to-Second Year Retention Rates
Student Dashboard (Degree Completions) (Institutional Research)
- Degree and Certificate Completions
Student Dashboard (Graduation and Retention) (Institutional Research)
- Graduate Rates
- Retention Rates
Top Metrics Dashboard (Institutional Research)
- Retention and Graduation Rates
Michigan Tech Fact Book (Institutional Research)
- Enrollment of All Students by Major and Class
- Enrollment of All Students by College and Class
- Enrollment of Students by College and Race/Ethnicity
- Enrollment of All Students by Class and Race/Ethnicity
- Enrollment by Class
- Enrollment by Residency and Gender
- Enrollment by College and Major
- Undergraduate Enrollment by College and Major
- Graduate Enrollment by College and Major
- Enrollment of All Students by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
- Undergraduate Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
- Graduate Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
Institutional Research Data Set (Institutional Research)
- Total Enrollment History
- Enrollment by Gender and Race/Ethnicity
- Enrollment by College and Race/Ethnicity
- Distribution of Students by Racial/Ethnic Codes
Common Data Set (Institutional Research)
- Institutional Enrollment - Men and Women
- Enrollment by Racial/Ethnic Category
Michigan Tech Compendium (Institutional Research)
- Enrollment - All Modes
- Enrollment - Online Learning
Academic Affairs Quality Measures Dashboard (Academic Affairs)
- Enrollment - Undergraduate/Graduate/Freshmen
Michigan Tech Dashboard - Section H Metrics Students (Institutional Research)
- Enrollment - Undergraduate/Graduate/Total
Top Metrics (Institutional Research)
- Enrollment
Student Dashboard (Enrollment Overview) (Institutional Research)
- Headcount Enrollment Trend by Level
- Headcount Enrollment Trend by College
Student Dashboard (Online Learning) (Institutional Research)
- Student Enrollment Trends
Public Enrollment Statistics Dashboard (Institutional Research)
Michigan Tech Fact Book (Institutional Research)
- Faculty by Rank and Department
- Staff Headcount by Employee Classification, Type and Gender
- Staff Headcount by Race/Ethnicity, Gender and Employee Type
- Employee Counts by Type
Institutional Research Data Set (Institutional Research)
- Faculty by Department and Rank
- Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty
- Instructional-Track Faculty Fall
- All Faculty
- Total Employee Profile
- Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Statistics by Gender, Race/Ethnicity
- Instructional-Track Faculty Statistics by Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Age
- All Faculty Statistics by Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Age
Common Data Set (Institutional Research)
- Instructional Faculty
Michigan Tech Compendium (Institutional Research)
- Faculty and Staff Headcount
- Faculty and Staff FTE
Employee Dashboard (Faculty) (Institutional Research)
- Faculty Headcount by Tenure Status
- Faculty Headcount by Race/Ethnicity
- Faculty Headcount by Gender
- Faculty Headcount by Rank
Employee Dashboard (Staff) (Institutional Research)
- Staff Headcount by Exempt Status
- Staff Exempt Status
- Staff Headcount by Race/Ethnicity
- Staff Headcount by Gender
- Research Staff Headcount
Annual Financial Reports (Financial Services and Operations)
- Michigan Technological University Audited Financial Statements
- Single Audit Reports
- Michigan Tech Fund Audited Financial Statements
Michigan Tech Fact Book (Institutional Research)
- Statements of Net Position
- Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position
Michigan Tech Compendium (Institutional Research)
- General Fund Base Budget
- Graduate Student Transfer
- Lab Revenues
- General Fund Expenditures
- General Fund Instructional Expenditures
- Unrestricted Current Fund Expenditures
- Gift Transfers
Michigan Tech Dashboard - Endowment Value (Financial Services and Operations)
- Endowment Value
Michigan Tech Dashboard - Section B: Summary of Current Expenditures (Institutional Research)
- General Fund Personnel Expenditures
- General Fund Expenditures
Michigan Tech Dashboard - Section E: Debt Service Obligations (Financial Services and Operations)
- Debt Service Obligations
F&A and Fringe Rates (Financial Services and Operations)
- F&A and Fringe Rates
Financial Information System Inquiries (Financial Services and Operations)
- Account Code/Pool Search
- Campus Bookstore/University Images IB Receipts
- Commodity Code Searchable Database
- On-Line Vendor Search Information
- Ship-To Address Search
Finance Dashboard (Institutional Research)
- Endowment Assets Per FTE
- Net Tuition Per FTE
- Debt Service Coverage Ratio
- Composite Financial Index
- Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Position
- Age of Plant Ratio
- Instruction/Research/Public Service as a Percent of Core Expenditures
- Institutional Revenue Diversification
- Days Cash on Hand Ratio
Top Metrics (Institutional Research)
- Composite Financial Index
- Total Endowment
Common Data Set (Institutional Research)
- Scholarships/Grants/Self-Help/Other
- Number of Enrolled Students Awarded Aid
- Average Financial Aid Packages
- Average Per-undergraduate-borrower Cumulative Principal Borrowed
Cost of Attendance - Undergrad Summary (Information Systems and Services)
- Undergraduate Cost of Attendance
Cost of Attendance - Interactive Calculator (Information Systems and Services)
- Undergraduate Cost of Attendance
- Graduate Cost of Attendance
Annual Report (Career Services)
- Placement Rates (Undergraduate and Graduate)
- Recruitment on Campus by Industry
- Cooperative Education
- Salary Information
Michigan Tech Fact Book (Institutional Research)
- Placement by Major and Degree
- Salary Information
- Company Participation and Career Statistics
Academic Affairs Quality Measures Dashboard (Academic Affairs)
- Placement Rates
- Median Early-Career Salaries
- Median Mid-Career Salaries
Top Metrics (Institutional Research)
- Placement Rate at Graduation
- Median Starting Salary
Research Stats and Data (Sponsored Programs Office)
- External Funding by Source
- Federal Funding by Agency
Research Facts and Figures (Sponsored Programs Office)
- F&A Cost and Fringe Benefit Rate Agreements
- External Research Revenue and Expenditures
- Michigan Tech Proposal Data
Awards and Expenditures for Research Centers and Institutes (Sponsored Operations Office)
- Awards and Expenditures for Research Centers and Institutes
Michigan Tech Dashboard - Sponsored Programs Awards (Sponsored Programs Office)
- Sponsored Programs Awards
Michigan Tech Fact Book (Institutional Research)
- Research Expenditures by Department Summary
Michigan Tech Compendium (Institutional Research)
- External Proposals - PI - Submitted/Funded/Dollar Funded
- External Proposals - CoPI - Funded/Dollar Funded
- Awards Involving Other Units
- External Graduate Support
- Internal Graduate Support
- External Research Expenditures
- Internal Research Expenditures
- Other Sponsored Programs Expenditures
- Recovery of Facilities and Admin. Costs
Research Forms, Agreements, Applications, and Worksheets (VP Research)
- Graduate Research Assistant Stipend Rates
- Graduate Research Assistant Tuition Rates
- Postdoctoral Salary Range
- F&A Fringe Benefit Estimating Tables
- Frequently Requested Proposal/Award Data and Information
F&A and Fringe Rates (Financial Services and Operations)
- F&A and Fringe Rates
Research Magazine (Sponsored Programs Office)
- Invention Disclosures Per $10 Million of Research Expenditures
Research Dashboard (Institutional Research)
- Total Research Expenditures
- Intellectual Property
- Research Expenditures by College/School/Division
- Sponsored Awards & Expenditures
- Sponsored Awards by Source
- Federal Funding by Agency
- Corporate Sponsorship
Top Metrics (Institutional Research)
- Research Expenditures
Can't find what you're looking for? Please contact the Analysts Council at 906-487-2763 or email Richard Elenich at rjelenic@mtu.edu.