We Are Student Affairs

We are educators, creators, and supporters. We are Michigan Tech.

Michigan Technological University is located within Ojibwa (Chippewa) homelands and ceded-territory established by the Treaty of 1842, the territory of Native American nations in Gakiiwe’onaning (Keweenaw Bay), Gete-gitgaaning (Lac Vieux Desert), Mashkii-ziibing (Bad River), Odaawaa-zaaga’iganing (Lac Courte Oreilles), Waaswaaganing (Lac Du Flambeau), Miskwaabikong (Red Cliff), Wezaawaagami-ziibiing (St. Croix), and Zaka’aaganing (Sokaogon Mole Lake). 

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Student Affairs Hiring

About Michigan Tech

Overlooking the Keweenaw Waterway and nestled within Houghton, Michigan,Michigan Tech is home to more than 7,000 students from 60 countries around the world. Our seven Colleges and Schools develop, apply, and communicate science, engineering, technology, and mathematics in more than 120 graduate and undergraduate degree programs.

Founded in 1885, Michigan Tech is a leading flagship public research institution. With more than $78 million in total research expenditures, 19 research centers and institutes, the University fosters a world-class faculty, staff, and student population.

MTU clock tower on campus in the winter
Kellie Raffaelli, MTU student affairs staff member
Jamie Sertich, MTU student affairs staff member
Anna McClatchy, MTU student affairs staff member
Makenzie Joseph, MTU student affairs staff member
Tiffany Jaegar

Is Student Affairs right for you?

Student Affairs includes several departments and initiatives that promote student success, independence, and well-being. Collectively, our extraordinary colleagues apply nearly 200 years of experience to supporting students. The work we do across campus is known widely because of our partnerships with the academic colleges and administrative offices.  We provide comprehensive services for students to assist them with program or degree completion.

This is a fantastic time to join Michigan Tech’s Division of Student Affairs! Student Affairs has a unique and rare opportunity in higher education: to boldly reimagine programs and services for all students by building on a history and legacy of success at the University and in the profession.

Ice Breakers Staff

Develop Professionally and Hone Your Skills at Tech!

  • Work on yourdegreewhile employed at Tech
  • Professional Development Opportunities prioritized by Tech:
    • Mental Health First Aid
    • Search Committee Training 
    • Professional Association Memberships
  • Conferences, workshops, webinars, licenses, certifications, certificates and other training opportunities



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