Get the fundamentals. Go your own way.
Tomorrow needs flexibility. Turn innovative ideas into a reality with an engineering degree you design to fit your interests. You'll take courses fundamental to all engineering disciplines then customize up to 40 percent of your degree path to pursue your own interests or emerging engineering fields. Or, select a defined pathway in systems engineering to combine engineering with business management skills.
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Design roller coasters, use nanoparticles to treat cancer, or design underwater habitats for humans. Develop ways to make manufacturing processes function smoothly and efficiently. Create and innovate in Enterprise, Senior Design, and international programs like study abroad and the Global and Community Engagement Conference. Work closely with advisors who get to know your unique interests and find ways to help you achieve your goals. Want to take your education to the next level? You can do that, too. Earn a master's in one additional year through the Accelerated Master's program.
"I want to work on improving and overhauling the US electrical grid and facilitating the transition from traditional energy sources to clean energy sources. I don't know what that means yet because it doesn't look like anyone is doing exactly what I feel like needs to happen but I'll figure it out along the way."
Learn more about the bachelor of science in engineering at Michigan Tech!