Natural Resources Management

Measure stream velocity. Count the birds. Get outside.

Develop the skills and training necessary to solve tomorrow's natural resource challenges while managing ecosystems and renewable resources. You’ll gain the knowledge, expertise, and perspective necessary to address complex environmental problems that relate to renewable natural resources through course work in natural resources ethics, conservation, social sciences, economics and business, and biogeochemistry.

Explore soil, geology, weather, and climate. Learn chainsaw handling and practical timber measurement. Take waypoints and design maps. Collaborate with students from across campus in courses centered around social sciences and business. Participate in a 14-week field semester in our 4,609 acres of research forest (one of the largest contiguous forested areas in the eastern United States—right outside our back door). Work alongside faculty through the $1,100 Earn and Learn Assistantship, offered to all students accepted into the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science (CFRES). Plus, get to know your CFRES family on a first-name basis through regularly scheduled coffee talks and timber cruising.

Want to accelerate your career? You can do that, too. Earn a master’s in one additional year through our Accelerated Master’s program.

"One of my favorite experiences at Michigan Tech was my semester at fall camp. That semester in the field taught me so many new skills that I have been able to take with me into my current work experience." Bethany Blease, Arborist and Alumna

Learn more about natural resources management at Michigan Tech!

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Enrollment Information

Michigan Technological University looks for applicants who create the future in science and technology, engineering, computing, forestry, business, health professions, humanities, mathematics, social sciences, and the arts. We’re ready for what tomorrow needs. Are you?

Our application is easy. Apply when you’re ready and receive automatic consideration for merit scholarships.

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