Chemical Engineering Bachelor's Degree

Combine engineering and chemistry to make the world a better place. It will be the most rewarding decision you ever make.

Become an able and versatile engineer. Solve difficult problems for a wide range of industries. Chemical engineering is a universal degree. Countless fields rely on chemical engineers, from environmental to energy to medical.

Chemicals make up everything around us. Take your interests in engineering, math and chemistry to make a difference in our industries and world. Transform chemicals and raw materials into useful, valuable, and often lifesaving forms.

The Department's Unit Operations Laboratory (UO Lab) is the best in the nation. Two pilot-plant set-ups and many bench-scale processes are available. Get experience using this process simulation and control facility.  You will have the opportunity to learn in a real-world chemical-processing work environment. Get access to two fully automated pilot plants. Learn the operation behind a three-story distillation column and a two-story batch reactor.

Undergraduate research opportunities are plentiful. As early as your sophomore year, you can gain valuable experience. Work with a faculty mentor in diverse research thrust areas such as:

  • Sustainable construction materials and resource recovery
  • Alternative and renewable energy
  • Bioprocessing and biomanufacturing
  • Food, water, and air quality and security
  • Medical sensors and diagnostics
  • Pharmaceuticals and vaccine manufacturing
  • Sustainable chemistry and manufacturing
  • Advanced materials and polymers
  • Waste recovery and recycling
  • 12
    out of 20 universities with the greatest salary impact
  • 2
    out of 38 best colleges in Michigan
  • A
    for value and professors
  • 2x2
    double wage, double growth for STEM occupations

Tomorrow Needs Versatile Chemical Engineers

Design processes that involve chemical or biological transformation. Work in large-scale manufacturing plants. Operate processes with safety, sustainability, and economics in mind.

You could also play an important role in protecting the environment. Invent cleaner technologies and calculate environmental impacts. Study the fates of chemicals in the natural world.

Chemical engineers make real changes that contribute to sustainability in society. They tackle big challenges, such as reducing our carbon footprint. You can help develop emerging technologies:

  • Biofuels and alternative energy
  • Engineered materials
  • Hydrogen fuel cells
  • Nanotechnology
  • Drug and vaccine development
  • Cleaner sources of energy
  • Earth-friendly plastics
  • Greener chemical processes

A chemical engineer's average starting salary is among the highest in the nation. Regional, national, and global corporations recruit our graduates. Our program has a 98-percent placement rate within six months of graduation. 90% of our students participate in a co-op, internship, or Enterprise project while they are here.

Engineering Enterprise Concentration

You can pursue an Enterprise concentration by taking part in Michigan Tech's award-winning Enterprise program. It's a great way to enhance your undergraduate degree. Enterprise is when students work in teams on real projects, with real clients, in an environment that's more like a business than a classroom. Choose from among 25 Enterprise teams on campus to invent products, provide services, and pioneer solutions. Tackle real-world design projects for industry sponsors or take part in a national competition (or both). This concentration can add courses in business and entrepreneurship.

My Story: Katherine Baker, MTUengineer

In August I completed an eight-month co-op with Billerud at their paper mill in nearby Iron Mountain, Michigan. Most of my projects revolved around chemical savings and energy optimization. I worked in a process engineering role on their pulp mill team, and was able to learn from both engineers and operators.

Katherine Baker
Katherine Baker ‘26
chemical engineering

Be Career-Ready

Graduate with a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from Michigan Tech. You will be well prepared to transition to an entry-level job in industry. Our degree provides excellent preparation for graduate school. An advanced degree is desirable for work in academia, research, medical school, or advanced industry.

Explore career opportunities for chemical engineers.

  • Chemical production or manufacturing
  • Mineral processing and mining
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Biotechnology and bioprocessing
  • Sustainable engineering
  • Food production
  • Consumer goods
  • Alternative energy
  • Process safety
  • Environmental cleanup
  • Design engineering
  • Consulting
  • Medical school
  • Law school

$72,425 mean entry-level salary
Figures from, accessed May 2024.

Ready to take the next step?

Learn more about studying chemical engineering at Michigan's flagship technological university.


Connected, innovative.

Build real skills at Michigan Tech. Become an engineer.

Gain diverse experience.

Engage in design and research.

Leap forward in your program.

Connect with students and industry.

"The Unit Operations Laboratory was something that set Michigan Tech apart from a lot of other schools."Jake Voss, undergraduate chemical engineering student

Be an MTUengineer

Join the LEAP leaders, wow the elementary students, and attend the AIPG National Conference.

Teach coding and circuitry. Research combustion and nanotechnology. Do a co-op with Kimberly-Clark. Show us how to slurry sand and complete miners training.

Tell us how important wetland mitigation is to you.

This is what we're all about.

Read Student Stories


A Professional Start

Chemical engineering majors have great peers.

  • American Chemical Society
  • MTU Society of Women Engineers
  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers
  • National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers
  • Omega Chi Epsilon

Compete in Enterprise. Be a peer mentor or student advisory board member.

Begin your networking journey here.

Join clubs and groups.


Beyond Engineering

Engineering majors cultivate their interests and talents at Michigan Tech. Join Superior Wind Symphony, follow military service, and be active in local politics.

Dive into Yucatan Culture.

Attend GeekU.P., become a lifeguard, and do a Canal Run. Be a musher. Set a Guinness World Record. Take part in Parade of Nations.

Let yourself shine.

Go Beyond

The Chem Eng Department

We offer real-world applications of classroom theory.

Learn chemical processing in our world-class Unit Operations Lab.

A dedicated learning commons is available for undergraduates, their peers, and mentors.

We understand the importance of communication skills for your core training.

You will receive personal attention and support necessary for academic success.

MTU engineering

Real Engineering. Meaningful Work.

We are committed to inspiring students, advancing knowledge, and innovating technological solutions to create a sustainable, just, and prosperous world. With an entering engineering class of about 1,000 students, 18 degrees to choose from, and 160+ faculty in the College of Engineering alone, we provide a world-class education with the trusted reputation of Michigan Tech.

As a student at Michigan Tech you’ll work closely with faculty mentors, immerse yourself in experience-powered learning, and gain a thorough understanding of engineering practice. Collaborate and innovate in laboratories, coursework, Enterprise, and Senior Design—you'll work with industry partners on real engineering projects and develop strong skill sets for your future.

You could study abroad, with engineering opportunities ranging from a few weeks to one full year. Or focus on problems facing disadvantaged communities in countries around the world. Michigan Tech’s Global and Community Engagement program offers you a range of options.

More than 400 employers regularly recruit our students for internships, co-ops, and full-time employment. Engineering students average seven interviews, and 98 percent are employed within their field of study, enlist in the military, or enroll in a graduate school within six months of graduation. A degree in engineering from Michigan Tech can take you anywhere.

Tomorrow Needs You

Engineers do a lot of things, but there's one thing we do first and foremost: we help people. We use creative ideas and technologies to solve problems in health care, energy, transportation, hunger, space exploration, climate change, and more—much more. Become an engineer who is ready for what tomorrow needs.

Student Stories

“I don’t think anyone starts their freshman year thinking, ‘I’m going to help lead the first team to make oxygen on Mars.’ I couldn’t have anticipated the opportunities that would come my way, but I was ready to seize them when they did.”Jessica Elwell ‘02 ‘03, BS MS Chemical Engineering and chief operating officer at OxEon Energy