If this is an emergency or someone is in danger, please call 911.
Michigan Tech is committed to providing an environment that is respectful and supportive. If you are a student, faculty or staff member and have a concern that you believe impedes these efforts for you personally, or for a friend or colleague, and want more information, please click on the appropriate title below. To report your concern, click on the report button in the box, complete the form, and submit.
For Confidentiality: If you prefer, you may address concerns or questions confidentially. Students may contact Counseling Services at 906- 487-2538 or TELUS Health Student Support Program 1-877-376-7896 and employees may contact the Employee Assistance Program. Also available is Office of the Ombuds at speters@mtu.edu or 906-487-2391.
For Criminal Conduct: If you believe you or someone you know has been a victim of a crime (not an emergency), please contact Public Safety and Police Services at 906-487-2216. These forms do not constitute filing a criminal complaint with the police.
To report a Student of Concern, including, but not limited to the following:
- Neglect of academic work
- Behavioral concern (disruptive, withdrawn, tearful, declining personal hygiene, etc.)
- Family crisis
- Mental health concerns
- Personal challenges
- Excessive absenteeism
- Medical concerns
For anonymous reporting of concerns to Public Safety and Police Services, including but not limited to the following:
- Somebody's well-being
- Observations of unusual behavior
- Concern that is time sensitive (non-emergency)
To report incidents that may violate Title IX which is a Federal Civil Rights law. Prohibited conduct includes:
- Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Assault
- Dating Violence
- Domestic Violence
- Stalking
To report incidents of discrimination and harassment or retaliation based on race, color, religion, age, national origin, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, veteran status, height, weight, marital status, disability, or genetic information under University Policies.
Non-policy violations, such as microaggressions or other non-pervasive offensive conduct,
whether intentional or unintentional, can be resolved through educational dialogue.
Contact the Conflict Resolutions Network for assistance.
For general concerns and complaints about your campus experience, in or out of the classroom.
Student Concerns and Complaints may include, but are not limited to the following:
- Academic policy violations
- Lack of professionalism
- Unsatisfactory student services
Instruction or classroom-related issues or concerns will not be handled by the Dean
of Students Office, but will be forwarded directly to the appropriate academic department
chair, dean, or their representative.
To report General Student Misconduct incidents. This may include, but is not limited to the following:
- Alcohol or drugs
- Disruptive behavior
- Bullying
- Hazing or Hazing activities
- Physical assault, endangerment, and threats
- Student organizational violations
- Retaliation
To report Academic Misconduct. This may include, but is not limited to the following:
- Cheating
- Plagiarism
- Fabrication
- Facilitation
- Contract Cheating
To report a Research Misconduct issue in a research setting (research data collection, recording, grant proposal, research presentation or publication, including theses or dissertations) including, but not limited to the following:
- Data fabrication
- Data falsification
- Plagiarism
To let us know you have a significant conflict and need some assistance with resolution. Conflict Resolution areas may include, but are not limited to the following:
- Classmate
- Co-worker
- Friend
- Instructor/Professor
- Partner
- Peer
- Roommate
- Supervisor
To report anything related to on-campus housing. Residence Education and Housing Concerns include, but are not limited to the following:
- Roommate issues
- Housing policy violations
- Repair requests
- Questions and/or concerns
Michigan Tech Hotline uses an independent, third-party provider form to report if you feel unsafe. This is a private way to report activities that may involve the following:
- Violations of Policy
- Financial Control Issues or Fraud
- Unsafe Conditions
- Research Misconduct
- Academic Misrepresentation
- Human Resources Issues
- Information Systems Misuse
- Athletics Compliance Issues
- Retaliation
To report a physical or technological barrier. These include, but are not limited to the following:
- Inoperable elevator or door
- Blocked access ramp
- Inappropriate use of handicap parking space
- Inaccessible webpage
Near misses are potential hazards or incidents that have not resulted in any personal injury or property damage. Environmental Health and Safety concerns are unsafe conditions including but not limited to the following:
- Unsafe conditions
- Unsafe work habits
- Improper use of equipment
- Use of malfunctioning equipment
The Ombuds Office provides faculty, staff and students with confidential, informal and "off the record" problem solving, including conflict resolution, facilitated dialogues, and mediation services. The Ombuds assists individuals in finding resources to resolve a wide range of issues confidentially and informally.
- Professional Concerns
- Academic Concerns
- Advisor concerns
- Policy Changes or Violations
- Disciplinary Actions
- Finding University Resources
- Navigating Grievances