The following are Graduate School and University policies primarily of interest to students. Students should take the time to familiarize themselves with relevant policies early in their university experience. Knowledge of University policies can help students avoid common difficulties and focus on what really matters: obtaining a stellar graduate education.
For assistance with Graduate School policies, current students should contact or visit our offices on the 4th floor of the Administration Building.
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- Adding and Dropping a Course
- Bills, Due Dates, Refunds, and Payment Plans
- Candidacy and Research Mode Tuition Rate
- Credit Hours and Expectations
- Enrollment Policies and Full-Time Status
- Full-Time Course Listing
- Medical (Voluntary and Involuntary) and University Withdrawal
- Leave of absence
- Additional Master's Degree
- Transfer, MIGS, and Senior Rule Credits
- Accelerated Master's
- Certificates, Accelerated Certificates
- Disability Services and Policies
- Grievances: Dean of Students | Graduate School
- Health Insurance Policy and Information
- Medical Withdrawal: Voluntary | Involuntary
- Parental Leave
- Graduate Student Parental Leave Funding