MAE Department Overview
MAE is the largest department at Michigan Technological University and among the largest mechanical engineering departments in the US, both undergraduate and graduate. With that, there are many resources to help you be successful in your graduate education. There is much information that can be found on many webpages. A good starting place is the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Dr. Jason R. Blough, Department Chair
Office: MEEM 808,
Dr. Wayne Weaver, Associate Chair and Director of Graduate Studies
Office: MEEM 807,
Cindy Wadaga, Graduate Program Assistant
Office: MEEM 815,
Robert Page, Laboratory Facilities Manager
Office: MEEM 604,
Completion of required forms and milestones is necessary for a current graduate student’s progress. Failure to meet submission deadlines could result in delayed completion of a student’s graduate degree. Current students should look to the Degree Progress Checklist for a time sensitive list of items they need to complete, and their personalized Degree Completion Timeline for a list of all items needed to complete their degree.
All forms requiring signature must be submitted to the graduate program assistant. This requirement is so the graduate program can maintain a record of progress and status for each student.
To receive a degree or certificate, a student must submit a degree schedule no later than week 10 of the final semester registration.
All course waiver requests (including capacity waivers) must be submitted to the graduate program assistant. If approved by the graduate director, the graduate program assistant will enter the waiver to the registrars office. The student must still register for the course after the waiver has been entered. This process can take from two to seven days to complete.
MAE Graduate Program Overview
There are several differences between the graduate program and what a student has experienced in an undergraduate program. The objective of the undergraduate program is to provide a student with a broad education and background in an engineering discipline. Also, a number of technical skills must be developed by the undergraduate so the student is capable of addressing engineering challenges associated with a given discipline, and contributing to the growth of that discipline whether by employment or more advanced education.
The graduate degree program prepares a student for a professional career in the design, research, and development of advanced engineering systems and technologies. In the case of the PhD, the preparation must also consider a possible career path as a scientist or faculty member. After earning a graduate engineering degree, a person will be given greater responsibility for directing and managing technical projects or research programs. It is inevitable and essential that the graduate-degree engineer becomes an independent thinker. The graduate student's goal should be to develop the ability to form critical judgments of others as well as themselves. Of course, it will be necessary to meet the requirements of a variety of advanced courses, but what matters most is whether the student can learn independently, how well the student can interpret, evaluate, and communicate technical information, and how well one is able to generate and critically evaluate ideas.
There are many online resources available on the Michigan Technological University Graduate School.
There is a valuable FAQ for MAE graduate students.
There is further information on the MAE department.
Virtually all highly respected mechanical engineering departments have a strong graduate program. The reputation of a department is highly dependent on the vitality of its graduate program through the production of archival publications, success and placement of its graduate students, and research productivity. A quality graduate program positively impacts the ability of a department to recruit world-class faculty and students. The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering values its reputation and wishes to continue to attract the most capable people to the Department, so that our highly respected graduate program will continue to be a top priority. The Department offers a wide range of graduate courses and offers several graduate degrees and graduate certificates. The degrees offered by the Department are; the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME), Master of Science in Engineering Mechanics (MSEM), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics.
Distance Learning MSME, MSEM, and PhD degree programs, as well as several graduate certificates in strategic focus areas, are also offered by the Department. More information on Graduate Certificates may be found.
Online courses are offered as part of graduate degrees, certificates, etc. Online courses are intended for online, off-campus students, including those on co-op. Most of the time, an online course is accompanied by an on-campus section. In these cases, on-campus students must take the on-campus section of the course, not the online section. If however, a course is offered ONLY as online then on-campus students may take the online course with instructor / department approval.
Good Academic Standing
Graduate students at Michigan Tech are expected to maintain good academic standing and make progress toward their degrees each semester. Failing to maintain good academic standing will result in academic sanctions. Students who are not in good academic standing should work with their advisors, department staff, and the Graduate School to take steps to return to good standing.
To remain in good academic standing graduate students must do the following applicable to them:
- Maintain a cumulative overall GPA of at least 3.0.
- The student cumulative overall GPA includes all courses on record and not just the credits used for a degree.
- Receive grades of "P" (progress) in research credits.
- Maintain continuous enrollment each fall and spring semester
- Pass all written and oral exams required for completion of the degree.
- Make satisfactory progress toward completion of the degree during each academic-year semester (fall and spring) and summer session of enrollment.
Students who fail to maintain good academic standing will be subject to a sanction of graduate academic probation, graduate academic suspension, or graduate academic dismissal.
Students are placed on academic probation for the following violations of the University requirement that graduate students must maintain good academic standing.
- Failing to maintain a cumulative overall GPA of at least 3.0.
- Receiving a "Q" grade (unsatisfactory) in a research course.
Students will be removed from academic probation when their cumulative University GPA is 3.0 or greater and/or when they receive a “P” grade in a subsequent research course. The student, the MAE chair, the graduate program director, and advisor will be informed via e-mail of the probation.
If a student is on academic probation for two sequential semesters of enrollment, the Graduate School will place the student on academic suspension. Students who are placed on academic suspension will not be permitted to enroll in the University during the upcoming semester or session. This means, for example, that if a student is placed on probation as the result of grades during fall semester and fails to return to good academic standing in spring semester, they will be suspended for summer session and will not be allowed to enroll during summer session but will be expected to return the following fall semester.
If a student has been suspended because (in part) they received a “Q” grade in research, the student must develop a plan with the advisor for the returning semester with benchmarks and deadlines for satisfactory progress. This plan must be approved by the current (or new, if necessary) research advisor(s) prior to reinstatement. If the student is unable to obtain approval of the plan, the student will be dismissed from the graduate program. Students have the right to appeal the dismissal.
Students who return after the suspension period will remain on probation. If their cumulative GPA is at least 3.0 and/or they receive a “P” grade in a research course during their first semester as a reinstated student, they will return to good academic standing. A student who fails to raise their GPA to at least 3.0 and/or do not receive a “P” grade in a research course during their first semester as a reinstated student will be dismissed from their graduate program by the Graduate School.
The student, the MAE chair, graduate program director, and advisor will be informed via e-mail of the suspension. Suspensions are effective on the date final grades are posted.
Students may either:
- Appeal the suspension as described in the Graduate Appeals of Suspension or Dismissal policy, or
- Leave campus.
Students leaving campus or who file an unsuccessful appeal must:
- Vacate their University offices and laboratories
- Return any keys to the University
- Leave data collected with their advisor.
Students on academic suspension are exempt from continuous enrollment requirements for the period of the suspension. Students who are already enrolled in courses for the upcoming semester or session at the time of the suspension will have their schedules dropped. Suspended students may continue to occupy University housing until the end of the semester during which they are on suspension. The Graduate School will initiate suspension of keycard access to academic buildings as appropriate. It is particularly important for international graduate students to consider the other possible consequences of not being a full-time student during this period.
Students will be dismissed from their graduate degree program by the Graduate School in the following situations:
- A student fails to achieve good academic standing or show substantial academic progress within one (1) semester following reinstatement from suspension
- A student is unable to pass an oral or written exam required for the degree after the allowed number of attempts prior to the time limit for completion of the exam, or otherwise fails to make satisfactory progress toward the degree.
Students will be notified in writing by the Graduate School via email to their email account.
Students may:
- Appeal the dismissal as described in the Graduate Appeals of Suspension or Dismissal policy, or
- Leave campus, or
- Apply for admission to another graduate program.
- Students who are dismissed from a PhD program may apply for admission to a master’s program within the same or a different academic discipline. The Graduate School allows students to transition from a PhD program to a master’s degree program housed within the same department or school by submitting a master’s degree schedule that has been approved at the department or school level.
- There is no deadline to submit a new application to a new program. Admissions decisions, however, are made by each program according to their own process and timeline.
Unless a campus ban is in place or other limitation on access to University buildings and grounds, students are permitted to remain on campus, including campus housing (subject to the approval of Housing and Residential Life) while they consider filing an appeal following the Graduate School policy or while their submitted appeal is being reviewed.
Keycard access to University buildings may be revoked immediately, even if a student appeals the dismissal. Under some circumstances, students may be banned from the University campus. Students may request review of a campus ban through the Office of Public Safety and Police Services.
If the appeal results in a dismissal or a student does not file an appeal, the student must vacate their University offices and laboratories within eleven business days of the original dismissal notice (for students who do not file an appeal) or twenty-four hours of an appellate decision upholding dismissal (for students who file an appeal). Keycard access to University buildings will be revoked at that time if the student retains keycard access during the dismissal appeal process. Residing in campus housing is at the discretion of Housing and Residential Life per their contracts and policies.
The University reserves the right to require that dismissed students vacate their University offices, laboratories, and housing within 24 hours of a dismissal notice and return any keys to the University. It is particularly important for international graduate students to consider the other possible consequences of not being a full-time student during this period.
Graduate students who have been suspended or dismissed by the Graduate School may appeal this decision following the Graduate Appeals of Suspension or Dismissal policy.
Grades are assigned in accordance with University procedures. The following resources address the University policies regarding grades.
- Grading System and Grade Points—Information about the grades awarded by the University.
- Grading Reports and Transcripts—Information about how to obtain a transcript.
- Disputed Grades—How to correct errors in final course grades
The policy, Graduate Scholastic Standards, addresses which earned credits can be used toward a graduate degree or certificate and when courses may be repeated. This web site includes internal procedures developed by the Graduate School in support of the Graduate School Good Academic Standing and Dismissal policy.
Graduate Grievances
The Graduate School will consider grievances by graduate students who are currently enrolled in a graduate program or who have been enrolled in a graduate program within the preceding year. Graduate students must have exhausted all other avenues for resolution before submitting a grievance to the Graduate School. When appropriate, the dean of the Graduate School will work with the relevant University officers and offices to take necessary actions to resolve the grievance.
Students should first attempt to resolve conflicts and address issues with the faculty, staff, or other students who are directly involved. If resolution cannot be obtained at that level, the student should consult with the MAE graduate program director and/or the MAE chair. Students may also seek conflict resolution advice or mediation services through the University Ombuds Office. Resources for conflict resolution are also available through the Dean of Students Office at Michigan Tech.
If a resolution cannot be reached at or below the level of the MAE department, the student may request the involvement of the Graduate School. The Graduate School will conduct an investigation of a reported grievance under the following circumstances:
- The student has exhausted all other avenues for resolution.
- The student has filed the Graduate grievance form with the Graduate School within thirty (30) calendar days of the most recent event which is directly related to the subject of the grievance. Extensions to file a grievance are allowed only in cases where the student has made a documented effort to resolve the situation and the other party or parties involved have failed to respond to the student.
The Graduate School will only consider the following types of grievances:
- Actions, conduct, or decisions that violate University policy or the accepted professional standards practiced within the discipline served by the graduate program.
- Deviations from written grading, examination, and disciplinary policies at the University, graduate program, departmental, or course level.
- Failure of a faculty, staff, or other member of the University community to disclose in writing the basis for a decision that has an adverse impact on a graduate student when such disclosure has been requested in writing by the student.
- Retaliations against a student due to the result of a prior grievance or appeal.
The following types of complaints will not be reviewed by the Graduate School:
- Academic judgments that cannot be reviewed by individuals lacking advanced content-area knowledge in a specific academic field or discipline. A disputed grade will only be considered a grievance if the student has already attempted to resolve the issue using the Academic Grievance procedure.
- Allegations of discriminatory harassment or discriminatory treatment or any other complaints that are considered by the University’s Office of Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX.
- Allegations of research misconduct which must be considered by the University’s Office of Research Integrity and Compliance.
- Allegations of sexual assault which should be reported to the University’s Public Safety and Police Services (dial 9-1-1 or call 487-2216 for non-emergency situations).
- Grievances from undergraduate students.
- Grievances from graduate students who have not been enrolled in a graduate program within the preceding year.
After the student has filed the Graduate grievance form with the Graduate School:
- The Graduate School reviews the form for completeness and verifies that the grievance can be addressed by the Graduate Grievance Committee.
- When allowed by the Graduate Grievance Policy, the Graduate School appoints and convenes the Graduate Grievance Committee. A copy of the grievance is sent to all members of the committee, and all individuals named in the grievance.
- The Graduate Grievance Committee hears the grievance and prepares a written recommendation to the dean of the Graduate School.
- The dean of the Graduate School reviews the recommendation, and works with the appropriate University offices and offices to take necessary actions.
The Graduate Grievance Committee will consist of one (1) member of the Graduate Faculty from outside the student’s academic home department or school, the student’s advisor (if the student has officially named an advisor at the time the Grievance form was filed), the student’s graduate program director, and the assistant dean of the Graduate School (who will serve as the non-voting chair of the committee).
If a student’s grievance names any one of the persons that normally would serve on the committee, that person will be excused from the case. A replacement for that person will be named by the dean of the Graduate School and this replacement will serve on the committee in lieu of the recused individual.
The member of the committee from outside the student’s academic home department must have had prior experience as the primary advisor of at least one (1) graduate student and must have served on at least three (3) graduate committees prior to serving on the Graduate Grievance Committee.
The student and all individuals named in the grievance have the right to appear at the hearing in person. The student has the right to be accompanied by an advocate who will be allowed to attend but not speak at the hearing other than to ask for clarification of information or to confer with the student to ensure that the student fully understands the proceedings. Hearings are intended to be non-adversarial fact-finding gatherings that result in outcomes that are acceptable and beneficial to all parties involved whenever possible.
Absence Policy
Graduate students, except in a few circumstances, are permitted to take courses of their choosing for their academic focus and career success. Because of this, graduate students are expected to attend all class meetings, laboratory sessions, etc for which they are enrolled. Individual instructors may set attendance policies that are tied to the course grade. Such policies will be stated in the course syllabus and are thereby enforced.
MAE adheres to the Michigan Tech attendance policy.
Attending class is essential for academic success. The University expects students to attend all scheduled class times unless an absence is excused under this policy.
Categories of University excused absences:
- Off-campus events:
- Including intercollegiate athletics; fine arts performances; program-sponsored competitions; program-sponsored field trips; and similar official events where students represent the University in an official capacity.
- The instructor or staff supervising students participating in these events must provide notice to the students' instructors and the Dean of Students Office prior to the date of the activity. The notice must include the name of the activity, the date(s) of class absence, the name of the supervising instructor or staff, and the names of all participating students.
- Absences involving legitimate extenuating circumstances beyond a student’s control.
These include student illness or injury that prevents a student from participating
in class; death or critical illness of a family member; birth of a child; military
duty; jury duty or subpoena for court appearances; and similar serious extenuating
- If a student's absence causes the student to miss an assignment, examination or other graded requirement of the class, the instructor may require the student to provide documentation verifying the cause of the absence. The student may provide the documentation to the instructor or to the Dean of Students Office.
- Instructors retain the discretion to excuse student absences for reasons other than those described in the above paragraphs. Students participating in activities on behalf of a student organization may obtain a verified absence letter from the Student Leadership and Involvement Office. This letter is meant to confirm a student's participation in an extracurricular activity and may be presented to the instructor when requesting an absence from class.
- Students are responsible for notifying their instructors prior to missing a class and arranging a mutually-acceptable make-up procedure. In emergency situations, where students are unable to notify their instructors, students should promptly contact the Dean of Students Office for assistance.
- Students with an excused absence shall be allowed to earn full credit for missing assignments by performing equivalent work, as long as the instructor deems that the learning objectives of the course can still be met. Where this is in question, it should be determined in conversation between the student and the instructor, if necessary in consultation with the Dean of Students. This conversation should happen as soon as possible. The substance of the equivalent work and the deadline for its completion shall be determined by the instructor.
- Instructors concerned with a student's excessive absence should contact the Dean of Students Office for advice and assistance.
- The Dean of Students Office may be contacted by an instructor or a student for assistance in informally resolving any disputes under this policy. If a dispute cannot be resolved informally, the student may follow the Student Academic Grievance policy.
It is the policy of Michigan Tech to permit students to observe those holidays celebrated by their chosen religious faith. It is the responsibility of those students, who wish to be absent, to make arrangements in advance with their instructors. In cases where examinations or assignments need to be made up, faculty has the right to determine the content and the conditions of administration, giving due consideration to equitable treatment. While recognizing that some religious observances may include extended periods of time, instructors may expect a reasonable limit to the number of requested absences by any student.
Summary of MAE Graduate Degree Requirements
Degree requirements are also placed and updated as needed on the webpages of the MAE department.
PhD Degree
A minimum of 30 credits are required for the degree beyond the Master’s degree, or 60 credits beyond the Bachelor’s degree, both in mechanical engineering or a closely related field. If the degree is not closely related, preparatory courses may be required to ensure the student is knowledgeable in the basics of the mechanical engineering discipline and to ensure they are prepared to succeed in advanced courses and research. Up to 6 credits of BC or C grades may be counted in courses outside of MEEM, except in the Accelerated MS (see Accelerated MS and Senior Rule below). If a student pursues a course that is concurrently cross-listed with a course in another department (ECE for example), the course is considered to be MEEM. If a student transfers credits for approved coursework taken at another university, the credits must have a grade of B or higher. For the PhD, there is a limit of 10 allowable course transfer credits.
The selection of your Advisor is YOUR decision! Seek a faculty member whose research interests match your own. A good student-faculty match of personalities is important. This relationship will last a number of years and your advisor will open many doors toward your career, even after you graduate. Make sure that the faculty member is someone with whom you can work.
You should meet with several faculty members before selecting an Advisor. When making an appointment with a faculty member, first do your homework - know the faculty member’s interests and projects, and search for and read their recent publications. Allow enough time for a meaningful discussion. Indicate your research interests, background, and how the faculty member will benefit from supervising you. Establish mutual interest in working together. Explain your financial needs and explore avenues for meeting these needs. It is in your Advisor's best interest to help you find the financial and academic support that you need.
After you have selected an Advisor and the relationship has begun, you and the Advisor will jointly develop an Individual Development Plan (IDP). An IDP is a living document that helps you and your advisor maximize your potential during the PhD. The IDP helps track both degree and personal progress, scholarly maturity, and is used to provide timely written feedback, in addition to other timely written communication that may be necessary between the advisor and student. Information and examples of an IDP can be found at the Graduate School.
All graduate programs at the university provide constructive written feedback to students who are completing a report, thesis, or dissertation, at least annually. This formal process ensures that both students and advisors are aware of the student's academic progress and plans for the future. The form used in MAE is the MiTechIDP (Individual Development Plan) for Research Graduate Students.
When completed by the student and advisor, copies are provided to the student, advisor, graduate program director, and Department Chair. If a student’s performance puts funding and/or continuation in the program in jeopardy, then written feedback must be at least twice annually until the deficiencies are resolved. The written feedback will specifically address the area(s) of deficiency, timeline for making up the deficiency, and consequences of continued unsatisfactory performance.
There are three major milestones in the pursuit of the PhD, each of which requires a committee of graduate faculty that is jointly selected by the advisor and the student.
The PhD Written Qualifying Exam will be given to determine the general knowledge appropriate to the student’s program and the student’s ability to use this knowledge. This examination will be a written examination, although it may be oral in part if recommended by the Advisory Committee. The qualifying examination should be administered prior to the end of the fourth academic-year semester in residence at Michigan Tech. It should be given at least two academic-year semesters before the dissertation oral defense. The exam in MAE is scheduled twice each year, generally in November and April.
- A written exam covering graduate understanding of material will be given over a period of 3 hours, maximum. The exam should allow for interdisciplinary content, from within as well as from outside of MAE, as appropriate to the student’s area of research.
- The exam will consist of eight problems / questions. The exam will cover at least two topics chosen by the student, which have been approved by the student’s Advisor which are relevant to the student’s research.
- The exam committee will consist of at least three graduate faculty members and may include the PhD Advisor. The committee membership should reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the research area as appropriate, and may include members from outside of the MAE Department. The committee is usually faculty who taught the courses over which the student is examined. The Qualifying Exam Committee is usually not the PhD Advisory Committee (see below).
- At least one committee member, other than the Advisor, must be from the MAE Department.
- Each committee member may contribute problems / questions for the exam. If only two members of the committee develop the exam, the third member should review the exam to ensure that it is appropriate.
- Each committee member will grade their problems / questions
- Each exam problem / question will be assigned a pass or fail grade.
- The committee will determine the overall exam grade as:
Unconditional Pass: 6 or more of 8 problems / questions passed;
Conditional Pass: 4 – 6 of 8 problems / questions passed;
Unsuccessful: 3 or fewer of 8 problems / questions passed.
The exam committee may have an optional follow-up interview with the student to further assess the student’s performance on the written exam. - The exam committee will formally recommend to the Graduate Director additional tasks based on the exam performance to fulfill the “Conditional Pass” result. Upon fulfilling the “Conditional Pass” requirement, the student has then passed the exam.
- A maximum of two attempts to pass the MAE Qualifying Exam will be allowed - failure to pass the exam after two attempts will result in a recommendation to the MAE Chair for dismissal of the student from the MAE PhD program, in accordance with the Graduate School policy.
The PhD Advisory Committee is composed of a minimum of four members of the Michigan Tech graduate faculty and are subject to Graduate School policies. All members must hold the PhD unless there is compelling evidence that a potential member with an MS degree has demonstrated experience by which they are considered an authority in the field of the research. At least one member must be from outside the student’s home department. An independent external member (such as from industry or a federal laboratory) can fulfill this requirement even if the external member’s background is in mechanical engineering. The purpose of the external member is to bring a perspective to the student that is independent of the student’s administrative department culture and environment. A committee member who is external to Michigan Tech must be appointed as a member of the Graduate Faculty. The process and forms for appointing and approving a member to the Graduate Faculty can be found on the Graduate School webpages.
Appointment to the Graduate Faculty is a formally approved process and must be completed as early as possible. The PhD Advisory Committee should be formalized before the PhD Written Qualifying Exam.
The PhD Proposal Oral Exam is an oral presentation by the PhD student to the PhD Advisory Committee. The oral presentation is in the form of the research proposal, which after approval by the committee, forms a binding agreement as to what is still to be completed for the PhD. It is recognized that in any research endeavor, what is proposed may need to be modified due to many reasons. However, it is understood that the general scope of the research and the deliverables will be maintained in good faith.
While this examination is oral, there must be a written document to accompany the presentation and provided to the Advisory Committee no later than when the oral exam is scheduled. This document should provide the committee with the contents and summary of the research and a written record of the work yet to be completed for the degree. The format and length of this document is at the discretion of the advisor and PhD committee. However, it is recommended that the written document should conform to an NSF proposal body that has a maximum 15-page limit. This format is required to be altered if the proposal is being used to satisfy the requirements of the MS Report option described below.
For those PhD students who want to receive the MS degree while working toward the PhD, the PhD oral proposal document and presentation can be substituted for the MS Report to satisfy the requirements of the MS Report option. All other requirements of the MS Report option must also be completed. While each degree is different, if the PhD proposal document and presentation is used for the MS degree, it must be a public presentation that requires the MS defense be scheduled and approved with the required timeliness. All other forms must be submitted and approved as if the student is seeking a stand-alone MS degree. In this case, the PhD proposal document must conform to Graduate School requirements for the MS Report. Additional information may be found on the Graduate School webpages.
The dissertation and public defense are the culmination of the PhD. One characteristic of the dissertation is that it adds to the “body of knowledge” and that it is worthy of being archived. An archival publication is a peer reviewed, foundational body of work upon which subsequent work can be reliably based, and therefore must be at the highest level of scholarship and integrity. The dissertation defense is to the PhD Advisory Committee and is open to the public. The public announcement is accomplished by submitting the google pre-defense form at least 2 weeks before the defense. Requirements for the dissertation, its submission, and the defense, can be found on the Graduate School webpages.
MS Degree
The MS degree provides the opportunity for students to enhance their undergraduate education by either broadening it, focusing it, or both to some extent. The content of the MS degree, particularly the Coursework MS is largely up to the student and there is no standard template. Except for several required courses, the MS has flexibility to be tailored to the student’s interests. The MS has three options; Thesis, Report, and Coursework, each of which results in the same degree being awarded. Furthermore, the MS can be pursued in either Mechanical Engineering (MSME) or Engineering Mechanics (MSEM). The MSME is considered to be more applied in nature, while the MSEM focuses more on the science of mechanical engineering and has more structured requirements.
Thesis and Report MS requirements can be found at MAE Graduate Programs.
Both options require a formal research component under the supervision of a faculty advisor, the generation of a formal written document, and the public defense of the work before the student’s advisory committee. These options require a total of 30 semester credits which are composed of both course credits and research credits. Each option requires a minimum of 12 course credits at graduate level, allows a maximum of 12 course credits at 4000-level, requires 3 credits of math at 4000- or 5000-level, and 2 credits of Graduate Seminar. No credits below 4000-level are permitted. No more than one credit of Graduate Seminar can be replaced by co-op credits. Grades in MEEM courses must be a grade of B or higher to be counted. Up to 6 credits of BC or C grades may be counted in courses outside of MEEM, except in the Accelerated MS (see Accelerated MS and Senior Rule below). If a student pursues a course that is concurrently cross-listed with a course in another department (ECE for example), the course is considered to be MEEM. If a student transfers credits for approved coursework taken at another university, the credits must have a grade of B or higher. For the MS, there is a limit of 1/3 of the required number of non-research credits.
The selection of who will be your Advisor is YOUR decision! Seek a faculty member whose research interests match your own. A good student-faculty match of personalities is important. This relationship will last a number of years and your advisor will open many doors toward your career, even after you graduate. Make sure that the faculty member is someone you can work with for that long.
You should meet with several faculty members before selecting an Advisor. When making an appointment with a faculty member do your homework - know the faculty member’s interests and projects. Allow enough time for a meaningful discussion. Indicate your research interests, background, and how the faculty member will benefit from supervising you. Establish mutual interest in working together. Explain your financial needs and explore avenues for meeting these needs. It is in your Advisor's best interest to help you find the financial and academic support that you need.
After you have selected an Advisor and the relationship has begun, you and the Advisor will jointly develop an Individual Development Plan (IDP). An IDP is a living document that helps you and your advisor maximize your potential during the PhD. The IDP helps track both degree and personal progress, scholarly maturity, and is used to provide timely written feedback, in addition to other timely written communication that may be necessary between the advisor and student. Information and examples of an IDP can be found at the Graduate School.
All graduate programs at the university provide constructive written feedback to students who are completing a report, thesis, or dissertation, at least annually. This formal process ensures that both students and advisors are aware of the student's academic progress and plans for the future. The form used in MAE is the MiTechIDP (Individual Development Plan) for Research Graduate Students.
When completed by the student and advisor, copies are provided to the student, advisor, graduate program director, and Department Chair. If a student’s performance puts funding and/or continuation in the program in jeopardy, then written feedback must be at least twice annually until the deficiencies are resolved. The written feedback will specifically address the area(s) of deficiency, timeline for making up the deficiency, and consequences of continued unsatisfactory performance.
Coursework MS requirements can be found at MAE Graduate Programs.
The Coursework MS requires a minimum of 30 semester credits of coursework. A minimum of 18 must be at graduate level, a maximum of 12 credits may be at 4000-level, and a minimum of 15 credits must be from MEEM courses. No credits below 4000-level are permitted, nor are research credits. Of the total, 3 credits must be math at 4000- or 5000-level, and 2 credits of Graduate Seminar. No more than one credit of Graduate Seminar can be replaced by co-op credits. Grades in MEEM courses must be a grade of B or higher to be counted. Up to 6 credits of BC or C grades may be counted in courses outside of MEEM, except in the Accelerated MS (see Accelerated MS and Senior Rule). If a student pursues a course that is concurrently cross-listed with a course in another department (ECE for example), the course is considered to be MEEM. If a student transfers credits for approved coursework taken at another university, the credits must have a grade of B or higher. For the MS, there is a limit of 1/3 of the required number of non-research credits. Except for these requirements, the courses taken are at the discretion of the student. The student’s coursework advisor can recommend courses and provide feedback on degree progress, at the student’s request as needed.
The Coursework MS does not have a formal research component, however, students can gain project experience through a Special Topic whereby the student works on a project of mutual interest with a faculty member. Special Topic credits are considered as MEEM course credits for the purpose of the degree and grades. Special Topics are not suitable for first-semester students. A student pursuing the Coursework MS may take up to a total of 4 credits of Special Topics during their MS. These credits may be taken over at most 2 semesters, with a maximum of 3 credits and one Special Topic in any semester. Courses listed as MEEM 5990 with a specific course name are considered as regular classes and not Special Topics.
The Coursework MS provides flexibility in content and scheduling. The Coursework MS allows a student flexibility in undertaking a co-op work experience during their degree. Information on co-op experiences can be found at Co-ops and Internships and on Industrial Co-Ops below.
The advisor for Coursework MS students is the MAE Director of Graduate Studies. However, a student is free to select a different faculty advisor if they wish. If that is the case, the student must submit an advisor form to the Graduate School through Forms and Deadlines. The role of the Coursework MS advisor is to help the student select courses appropriate to their interests, their academic preparedness so they will be successful, and their goals. The advisor may also make the student aware of opportunities for research or a special topic in which the advisor is engaged. In any event, the advisor is the student’s choice. The advisor is responsible for signing all forms that require the advisor’s approval, including degree, CPT, and OPT forms.
Michigan Tech MAE undergraduate students who will receive a BSME degree may be eligible to pursue the Accelerated MS degree. The Accelerated MS allows students to double-count up to 9 semester credits from their undergraduate technical electives toward the BS and MS degrees, with a grade of B or higher.
To be eligible for the Accelerated MS, a student’s cumulative GPA at the time the BSME is awarded must be 3.00 or higher. The student must also have applied and been accepted into the Accelerated MS prior to being awarded the BSME. The Accelerated MS reduces the post-BS semester credit requirements from 30 to 21 due to the 9 double-counted credits. The Accelerated MS is available in each of the three MS options, and has the same degree requirements for each of the options, except all grades counted toward the Accelerated MS must have a grade of B or higher. Students whose cumulative graduate GPA drops below 3.00 will not be permitted to continue in the MAE Accelerated MS program. They may instead revert to the traditional MS. These traditional programs do not allow for the double-counting of credits toward the MS.
A student should carefully plan courses if pursuing the Accelerated MS as the double-counted BS/MS credits will most likely be at 4000-level and will count toward the 12-credit limit of 4000-level of the MS degree. Information on the Accelerated MS may be found at Accelerated Master's.
Utilizing Senior Rule, a BSME student may take courses, preferably graduate courses that count toward the MS while still pursuing the BS degree. Senior Rule credits are not double-counted toward both degrees, only the graduate degree. Senior Rule credits at 4000-level will count toward the maximum allowed for the MS, so Senior Rule credits should be graduate level. Senior Rule credits with a grade of B or higher will count toward the MS in addition to Accelerated credits. By pursuing the Accelerated MS and utilizing Senior Rule credits as well, it may be possible to complete the MS in two semesters. Information on Senior Rule may be found at the Registrar's Office.
If a student is interested in admission from a certificate program to a master's program or from a master's program to a doctoral program, they must contact the graduate program assistant and fill out this form:
A Coursework MS student may take a total of 4 credits of Special Topics spread over a maximum of 2 occurrences, with a maximum of 3 credits in any occurrence. Research credits (MEEM 5999) should not be taken as special topics and cannot be used toward the coursework MS degree.
A Thesis or Report MS student may take a total of 3 credits of Special Topics spread over a maximum of 2 occurrences, with a maximum of 3 credits in any occurrence.
If a student has an existing “I” or “X” in another Special Topic, they are not permitted to take a subsequent Special Topic until the prior grade is changed.
The above credits also include Special Topic-type credits outside of MAE, but do not include formal courses with a full course title that are listed as a MEEM 5990 or MEEM 6990.
Before they can enroll in MEEM 5990, students need to talk to a faculty member. Get their consent to supervise the project and define project tasks and deliverables.
MS and PhD
There is no firm timeline to a graduate degree. An MS Thesis or Report degree may take up to two years, depending on the nature of the research, the productivity of the student, and whether co-op is pursued. With these options, the time to degree is normally determined not just by credit count, but by the research.
The Coursework MS can be completed in three semesters (one calendar year) averaging 10 credits each semester. Most students pursue co-op, or take the summer off extending the time to degree by their choosing. If the Accelerated MS is pursued utilizing Senior Rule credits, the time to complete the MS could be reduced to two semesters depending on scheduling of courses. The allowable time to complete the MS degree is five years. If an MS student is pursuing a thesis or report option, they must file an advisor form as soon as the advisor has been selected and agreed.
MS students must fill and submit the MS Degree Schedule no later than the end of the semester prior to the graduation semester. If there are any issues that may delay graduation, they can be addressed during the final semester.
The PhD is even more unpredictable in time to degree. If a student pursues the PhD directly from the BS degree, they often complete the requirements for the MS before being fully engaged in the research. If a student holds the MS degree prior to beginning the PhD, the time to degree is generally shortened but still a number of years due to the extensive nature of the research and the PhD exams. The allowable time to complete the PhD degree is eight years.
Each graduate student has a personalized web portal, "Experience". Students should consult their portal often, at least each semester, to understand what deadlines may be approaching. Detailed timeline information may be found at the Graduate School.
While the webpage above provides detailed timeline information and should be used, a summary is provided below. This assumes the student holds an MS degree in ME or closely related field.
What: | When (academic year semesters): |
Choose a research advisor | Within 2 |
Complete required coursework | 4 to 5 |
Choose a committee | 2 to 4 |
Pass written qualifying exam | 2 to 4 |
Pass research proposal | 4 to 6 |
Enter candidacy | 4 to 6 |
Dissertation Defense / Final Oral Examination | 6 to 10 |
After successful completion of two full time semesters of study, a student is eligible for Curricular Practical Training (CPT), also known as co-op. A student must be in good academic standing and must not be under conduct probation. A co-op must be approved by the university and the advisor, is formal employment by a company, and is for a determined length of time. A co-op is normally for one academic semester, but may be extended. To conduct a co-op, a student must be registered for the appropriate UN5xxx co-op credit. This is a paid credit, carries a grade, maintains full time enrollment status, and can replace only one required MEEM 6000 Graduate Seminar.
A student on a co-op may take no more than one online course concurrently with the co-op, and it is recommended that no courses be taken the first semester of a co-op. The student must quickly adapt to the corporate environment, culture, and work assignments. This normally takes more than the standard 40-hours per week. It is first important that the co-op student shows exemplary performance in the job duties. Co-ops many times lead to full time post-degree employment. The co-op student represents MAE and Michigan Tech and therefore substandard employment performance can tarnish the reputation of the university and the company may not seek future MAE students for co-op. It is important to note that there is a window of opportunity each semester to begin a co-op and this information is located on the Career Services website.
Careers Services is the central point of contact for co-ops and further information can be found at Co-ops and Internships.
As described above, the research advisor should be carefully chosen. It is important that there is continual and open communication between a student and their research advisor and that degree progress is formalized and tracked. This can be largely accomplished by developing an Individual Development Plan as previously mentioned.
Review and updating of the IDP at least twice each semester helps keep the student on track, and allows open discussion on degree progress. Certainly, the advisor and student will have near-daily communication in the pursuit of the research. However, as with all relationships, not all are successful. Reasons for the relationship failing include:
- the student’s research interests change,
- the student loses interest in the research,
- the student may not fit in with the advisor’s research group,
- the student may feel the advisor is too demanding, or insufficiently demanding,
- the advisor sees that the student is not performing tasks required for the research and degree,
- the advisor recommends that the student seek another advisor for other reasons, or
- irreconcilable differences, academic and/or personal.
It is better for the student and advisor to recognize any of these problems, or others, as early as possible so neither invests time and resources in an endeavor that will not be successful. If a student feels that an advisor change may be necessary, they should have open and respectful discussion with the advisor to identify specifics so that it is not just a lack of communication or misunderstandings. If this can mend the relationship then it is important to document expectations and goals using the IDP.
If after this process the student and/or advisor feel they should part ways, the student should:
- make an appointment with the Director of Graduate Studies to confidentially discuss the situation. This must be an open and truthful discussion. The student should prepare a list of talking points or issues.
- the Graduate Director should then meet separately with the advisor, to better understand the situation from the advisor’s perspective,
- the Graduate Director and department Chair may then call a meeting with the advisor and student to have an open discussion and seek a solution.
After this meeting, the student and/or advisor should again meet to seek a final remedy. If at last the relationship is over, the student must realize that they are still required to fulfill obligations to the advisor and research for which they have been compensated. All research logs, notes, software, hardware, etc that was generated by the research must be turned over to the advisor or misconduct action may result.
There are possible consequences for abandoning an advisor and seeking a different advisor. These include:
- is the new advisor conducting the same or very similar research as the prior advisor?
- if not, then what is the path forward for the student? Does the student need to start over in their research?
- does the new advisor have funding?
- will the student have to reorganize the advisory committee?
- if the student was supported as a GTA, or under a faculty member’s startup, further funding may be jeopardized.
There are many consequences in changing advisors which is why all possible remedies should be pursued.
All graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, regardless of their degree (MS, PhD, research-based, coursework) or source of funding (self-funded, internally funded, externally funded, employer funded) must complete both Basic RCR and Advanced RCR. This is a federal mandate for universities that receive federal funding.
Michigan Tech has developed several training programs to support graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in their professional development and fulfill obligations to sponsors of our research programs. For instructions specific to a student's status at Michigan Tech, please see the information located at:
The engineering profession demands the highest ethical conduct and integrity to protect the welfare of the public and the profession. Michigan Tech and MAE also demand a high level of academic integrity by students. Academic misconduct, whether by plagiarism, prohibited sharing of work, misrepresenting oneself to gain access to a class, or other actions that a mechanical engineering graduate student fully understands are academically inappropriate, are considered academic misconduct. The Michigan Tech standards for academic and community conduct are found at:
- Senate Policy 109.1 Academic Integrity
- Academic Integrity Resource Center for Students
- Academic Integrity Resource Center for Faculty—How to Prevent Academic Misconduct
- Academic Integrity Resource Center for Faculty—If You Suspect Academic Misconduct
Every graded assignment, regardless of how inconsequential or what portion of the course grade it is worth, is subject to the same academic integrity standards. All MAE graduate students are required to read, understand, and follow the information on the linked documents above. A defense by students who claim to be unaware of these policies, will not be accepted. Academic misconduct is considered extremely unprofessional and as such has consequences for a MAE graduate student that go beyond university sanctions, and can include failure of the class.
- A student who is financially supported by MAE will have that support immediately terminated upon completion of a due-process hearing where misconduct is admitted or the student is found guilty,
- A student who is guilty of academic misconduct will not be eligible for future MAE financial support,
- A student who is guilty of academic misconduct will be placed on conduct probation and as such will not be eligible for CPT (co-op) or OPT (post-graduation) while on probation.
All applicants accepted by MAE and the Graduate School are automatically considered for graduate assistantship opportunities. Michigan Tech does not have a separate graduate assistantship application, and separate application materials (e.g. resumes, letters of recommendation, etc.) will not be accepted. It is important to consider that an assistantship is employment based on department and faculty needs and available resources. Subject to this, assistantships are awarded to the most capable and experienced graduate students.
There are three types of graduate assistantships; Graduate Research Assistant (GRA), Graduate Assistant (GA), and Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA). Each has different demands and expectations but they all share a common characteristic. Each is employment with Michigan Technological University, they are not scholarships. Being university employment, each is available based on resources available and needs for the position, the same as with a company.
A GRA is a research assistant paid by a faculty member from external funds from a research sponsor, such as a federal agency, a state agency, or a company. GRAs are heavily involved in research and are selected from among the most qualified students, by the faculty member who secured the external funds. These qualifications normally include already having an MS degree, having been in MAE long enough for the faculty member to assess academic performance, having worked with the faculty member on research prior to consideration for a GRA, and having developed sufficient oral and written communication skills to contribute to a research team. While these qualifications are required to be a GRA, they themselves will not ensure GRA funding as the funding is limited by external grants or contracts.
A GA is similar to a GRA except the source of the funding is internal to MAE. The same expectations and qualifications are required as for a GRA. The difference is the source of the funding, not the qualifications or expectations.
A GTA is internally funded by MAE and supports the education / teaching mission of the department and university. A GTA will typically assist in laboratory instruction under one for more faculty members responsible for the course. A GTA must have excellent organizational and time management skills as the GTA duties are in addition to, and normally separate from, their degree. GTAs are hired for one semester at a time. Having been a GTA does not guarantee being rehired.
- Any student considered for a GTA must first have completed a spoken language assessment as Strong (preferred) or Acceptable. The assessment is conducted through the Michigan Tech - Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning.
- Any student considered for a GTA must have first completed, or concurrently with the first GTA assignment, the course ED 0510 GTA Training with a grade of B or higher. This course has no cost and does not count toward a graduate degree.
- Any student considered for a GTA must hold a degree higher than the course(s) for which they will GTA. For example, a student with only a BS degree may not be a GTA for a graduate level course.
- Any student considered for a GTA must have never been found guilty of academic misconduct. Academic misconduct immediately disqualifies a student to be a GTA.
- GTAs undergo student evaluation of teaching the same as all instructional faculty. Poor student evaluations may be a cause to not renew a GTA.
Receiving an Assistantship
Assistantship recipients will receive an offer letter as soon as decisions are made. The offer letter will include several of the conditions of the assistantship, including start and end dates. Acceptance by the student with their signature, forms the formal agreement. It is imperative that the assistantship recipient understands and abides by the agreement. Failure to do so can result in retraction of the support.
Appointment Types and Compensation
Students on full assistantship appointments are expected to work half-time (20 hours/week). Programs may offer less than a full appointment, resulting in three-quarter, one-half, or one-quarter assistantship appointments. All assistantship recipients are full-time students who perform their duties in concurrence with work appropriate for at least nine credits of coursework or research activities. As such, a student’s workload, including teaching preparation and grading, should not exceed the level of their appointment in order to better ensure their success as a graduate student and as a graduate assistant.
The amount of a student’s tuition support and stipend depends on the level of their appointment. A full-time appointee will receive full tuition support and a stipend of at least the Minimum Stipend Rate. Tuition support and stipend rates will be adjusted proportionally to the level of a student’s appointment, as shown in the table below. Minimum Stipend Rates are set each academic year and are dependent on a student’s degree type and previous academic accomplishments. Students on assistantships are paid bi-weekly.
Assistantship Appointment | Stipend Support | Work Expectation (hrs / week)* |
Percentage of Tuition Supported** |
Full | Full | 20 | 100 |
3/4 | 3/4 | 15 | 75 |
1/2 | 1/2 | 10 | 50 |
1/4 | 1/4 | 5 | 25 |
*Since all students on an assistantship are also enrolled full-time, students are expected to spend additional time on work appropriate for nine credits of coursework or research activities. **The maximum amount of tuition support for an assistantship is determined by the specific graduate program. |
Tuition Caps
The tuition cap is the maximum a department will allocate for tuition and lab/course fees for a supported student on an assistantship per semester. Full-time status is granted to students who are enrolled in at least nine credits of coursework and/or research in each fall and spring semester. Although it is possible for a student to enroll in more than nine credits in a semester, most departments will not pay for more than nine credits per student in order to maximize the number of students they are able to support in one semester. An exception to this in MAE, is that a MS student on an assistantship will be supported up to 10 credits during the fall and spring semesters.
Supported students who enroll in more credits than the MAE tuition cap will support, are responsible for personally paying the tuition associated with those extra credits. Please refer to the tuition cap document to determine the maximum number of credits supported by each department. Credits that are supported by the assistantship must be applicable to the student’s degree, research, or academic focus. Courses taken for the student’s personal enrichment will not be paid by the assistantship and must be paid personally by the student.
All on-campus graduate students are required to complete basic safety training. This is most easily accomplished by attending Graduate Student Orientation at the start of each semester, or by taking the safety training and exam via online.
The MAE safety page contains an extensive MAE Safety Manual, links and instructions on Safety Data Sheets (SDS), and the online safety orientation and exam.
Any graduate student who will work in a lab, whether in a research capacity (GRA or GA), or as a GTA, must pass additional safety training that is specific to that laboratory. This training must be provided by the lab supervisor and documented via the MAE Employee/Student Safety Orientation and Training Checklist located on the MAE safety page.
Any employee of Michigan Technological University must complete annual safety training, which is available online. If a MAE graduate student receives a periodic paycheck, they are subject to this requirement and it must be completed for support to remain in place.
Michigan Tech complies with all federal and state laws and regulations regarding discrimination, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. As such, there is support of various kinds for graduate students. More complete information can be found at: