Please select your correct minor audit year.
- Aerospace Studies (AFAS)
- American Studies (SSAS)
- Art (FAAR)
- Astrophysics (SPHA)
- Biochemistry (BLBC)
- Bioethics (HUB)
- Biological Sciences (SBLM)
- Chemistry (SCHM)
- Coaching Fundamentals (PECF)
- Communication Studies (HUCS)
- Diversity Studies (HUDS)
- Ethics and Philosophy (HUEP)
- Fish Biology (BLFB)
- French (HUF)
- French International (HUIF)
- German (HUG)
- German International (HUIG)
- Global Community Development Partnerships (IMGC)
- Global Studies (SSGS)
- Historical Studies (SSHS)
- Jazz Studies (FAJS)
- Journalism (HUJN)
- Law and Society (SSLS)
- Mathematical Sciences (SMAM)
- Media Production (HUME)
- Medicinal Chemistry (SMCM)
- Microbiology (BLMB)
- Military Arts and Science (AMAS)
- Music (FAMU)
- Music Composition (FAMC)
- Music Performance (FAMP)
- Physics (SPHM)
- Pre-Health Professions (BLPH)
- Psychology (PSYM)
- Public Health (PHM)
- Social and Behavioral Studies (SSBH)
- Sound (FAS)
- Spanish (HUS)
- Spanish International (HUIS)
- Statistics (SSTM)
- Sustainability Science and Society (SSSM)
- Technical Theatre (FATT)
- Theatre Arts (FATA)
- Theatre Performance (FATP)
- Writing (HUW)
- Aerospace Studies (AFAS)
- American Studies (SSAS)
- Art (FAAR)
- Astrophysics (SPHA)
- Biochemistry (BLBC)
- Bioethics (HUB)
- Biological Sciences (SBLM)
- Chemistry (SCHM)
- Coaching Fundamentals (PECF)
- Communication Studies (HUCS)
- Diversity Studies (HUDS)
- Ethics and Philosophy (HUEP)
- Fish Biology (BLFB)
- French (HUF)
- French International (HUIF)
- German (HUG)
- German International (HUIG)
- Global Community Development Partnerships (IMGC)
- Global Studies (SSGS)
- Historical Studies (SSHS)
- Jazz Studies (FAJS)
- Journalism (HUJN)
- Law and Society (SSLS)
- Mathematical Sciences (SMAM)
- Media Production (HUME)
- Medicinal Chemistry (SMCM)
- Microbiology (BLMB)
- Military Arts and Science (AMAS)
- Music (FAMU)
- Music Composition (FAMC)
- Music Performance (FAMP)
- Physics (SPHM)
- Pre-Health Professions (BLPH)
- Psychology (PSYM)
- Public Health (PHM)
- Social and Behavioral Studies (SSBH)
- Sound (FAS)
- Spanish (HUS)
- Spanish International (HUIS)
- Statistics (SSTM)
- Sustainability Science and Society (SSSM)
- Technical Theatre (FATT)
- Theatre Arts (FATA)
- Theatre Performance (FATP)
- Writing (HUW)
- Aerospace Studies (AFAS)
- American Studies (SSAS)
- Art (FAAR)
- Astrophysics (SPHA)
- Biochemistry (BLBC)
- Bioethics (HUB)
- Biological Sciences (SBLM)
- Chemistry (SCHM)
- Coaching Fundamentals (PECF)
- Communication Studies (HUCS)
- Diversity Studies (HUDS)
- Ethics and Philosophy (HUEP)
- Fish Biology (BLFB)
- French (HUF)
- French International (HUIF)
- German (HUG)
- German International (HUIG)
- Global Community Development Partnerships (IMGC)
- Global Studies (SSGS)
- Historical Studies (SSHS)
- Jazz Studies (FAJS)
- Journalism (HUJN)
- Law and Society (SSLS)
- Mathematical Sciences (SMAM)
- Media Production (HUME)
- Medicinal Chemistry (SMCM)
- Microbiology (BLMB)
- Military Arts and Science (AMAS)
- Music (FAMU)
- Music Composition (FAMC)
- Music Performance (FAMP)
- Physics (SPHM)
- Pre-Health Professions (BLPH)
- Psychology (PSYM)
- Public Health (PHM)
- Social and Behavioral Studies (SSBH)
- Sound (FAS)
- Spanish (HUS)
- Spanish International (HUIS)
- Statistics (SSTM)
- Sustainability Science and Society (SSSM)
- Technical Theatre (FATT)
- Theatre Arts (FATA)
- Theatre Performance (FATP)
- Writing (HUW)
- Aerospace Studies (AFAS)
- American Studies (SSAS)
- Art (FAAR)
- Astrophysics (SPHA)
- Biochemistry (BLBC)
- Bioethics (HUB)
- Biological Sciences (SBLM)
- Chemistry (SCHM)
- Coaching Fundamentals (PECF)
- Communication Studies (HUCS)
- Diversity Studies (HUDS)
- Ethics and Philosophy (HUEP)
- Fish Biology (BLFB)
- French (HUF)
- French International (HUIF)
- German (HUG)
- German International (HUIG)
- Global Community Development Partnerships (IMGC)
- Global Studies (SSGS)
- Historical Studies (SSHS)
- Jazz Studies (FAJS)
- Journalism (HUJN)
- Law and Society (SSLS)
- Mathematical Sciences (SMAM)
- Media Production (HUME)
- Medicinal Chemistry (SMCM)
- Microbiology (BLMB)
- Military Arts and Science (AMAS)
- Music (FAMU)
- Music Composition (FAMC)
- Music Performance (FAMP)
- Physics (SPHM)
- Pre-Health Professions (BLPH)
- Psychology (PSYM)
- Public Health (PHM)
- Social and Behavioral Studies (SSBH)
- Sound (FAS)
- Spanish (HUS)
- Spanish International (HUIS)
- Statistics (SSTM)
- Sustainability Science and Society (SSSM)
- Technical Theatre (FATT)
- Theatre Arts (FATA)
- Theatre Performance (FATP)
- Writing (HUW)
- Aerospace Studies (AFAS)
- American Studies (SSAS)
- Art (FAAR)
- Astrophysics (SPHA)
- Biochemistry (BLBC)
- Bioethics (HUB)
- Biological Sciences (SBLM)
- Chemistry (SCHM)
- Coaching Fundamentals (PECF)
- Communication Studies (HUCS)
- Diversity Studies (HUDS)
- Ethics and Philosophy (HUEP)
- Fish Biology (BLFB)
- French (HUF)
- French International (HUIF)
- German (HUG)
- German International (HUIG)
- Global Studies (SSGS)
- Historical Studies (SSHS)
- Jazz Studies (FAJS)
- Journalism (HUJN)
- Law and Society (SSLS)
- Mathematical Sciences (SMAM)
- Media Production (HUME)
- Microbiology (BLMB)
- Military Arts and Science (AMAS)
- Music (FAMU)
- Music Composition (FAMC)
- Music Performance (FAMP)
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry (CHPM)
- Physics (SPHM)
- Pre-Health Professions (BLPH)
- Psychology (PSYM)
- Public Health (PHM)
- Social and Behavioral Studies (SSBH)
- Sound (FAS)
- Spanish (HUS)
- Spanish International (HUIS)
- Statistics (SSTM)
- Sustainability Science and Society (SSSM)
- Technical Theatre (FATT)
- Theatre Arts (FATA)
- Theatre Performance (FATP)
- Writing (HUW)
- Aerospace Studies (AFAS)
- American Studies (SSAS)
- Art (FAAR)
- Astrophysics (SPHA)
- Biochemistry (BLBC)
- Biological Sciences (SBLM)
- Bioethics (HUB)
- Chemistry (SCHM)
- Coaching Fundamentals (PECF)
- Communication Studies (HUCS)
- Diversity Studies (HUDS)
- Environmental Studies (SSES)
- Ethics and Philosophy (HUEP)
- Fish Biology (BLFB)
- French (HUF)
- French International (HUIF)
- German (HUG)
- German International (HUIG)
- Historical Studies (SSHS)
- International Studies (SSIS)
- Journalism (HUJN)
- Law and Society (SSLS)
- Mathematical Sciences (SMAM)
- Media Production (HUME)
- Microbiology (BLMB)
- Military Arts and Sciences (AMAS)
- Music (FAMU)
- Music Composition (FAMC)
- Music Performance (FAMP)
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry (CHPM)
- Physics (SPHM)
- Pre-Health Professions (BLPH)
- Psychology (PSYM)
- Public Health (PHM)
- Social and Behavioral Studies (SSBH)
- Spanish (HUS)
- Spanish International (HUIS)
- Statistics (SSTM)
- Technical Theatre (FATT)
- Theatre Arts (FATA)
- Writing (HUW)
- Aerospace Studies (AFAS)
- American Studies (SSAS)
- Art (FAAR)
- Astrophysics (SPHA)
- Biochemistry (BLBC)
- Bioethics (HUB)
- Biological Sciences (SBLM)
- Chemistry (SCHM)
- Coaching Fundamentals (PECF)
- Communication Studies (HUCS)
- Diversity Studies (HUDS)
- Environmental Studies (SSES)
- Ethics and Philosophy (HUEP)
- Fish Biology (BLFB)
- French (HUF)
- French International (HUIF)
- German (HUG)
- German International (HUIG)
- Historical Studies (SSHS)
- International Studies (SSIS)
- Journalism (HUJN)
- Law and Society (SSLS)
- Mathematical Sciences (SMAM)
- Media Production (HUME)
- Microbiology (BLMB)
- Military Arts and Science (AMAS)
- Music (FAMU)
- Music Composition (FAMC)
- Music Performance (FAMP)
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry (CHPM)
- Physics (SPHM)
- Psychology (PSYM)
- Social and Behavioral Studies (SSBH)
- Spanish (HUS)
- Spanish International (HUIS)
- Statistics (SSTM)
- Technical Theatre (FATT)
- Theatre Arts (FATA)
- Writing (HUW)
- Aerospace Studies (AFAS)
- American Studies (SSAS)
- Art (FAAR)
- Astrophysics (SPHA)
- Biochemistry (BLBC)
- Bioethics (HUB)
- Biological Sciences (SBLM)
- Chemistry (SCHM)
- Coaching Fundamentals (PECF)
- Communication Studies (HUCS)
- Diversity Studies (HUDS)
- Environmental Studies (SSES)
- Ethics and Philosophy (HUEP)
- Fish Biology (BLFB)
- French (HUF)
- French International (HUIF)
- German (HUG)
- German International (HUIG)
- Historical Studies (SSHS)
- International Studies (SSIS)
- Journalism (HUJN)
- Law and Society (SSLS)
- Mathematical Sciences (SMAM)
- Media Production (HUME)
- Microbiology (BLMB)
- Military Arts and Science (AMAS)
- Music (FAMU)
- Music Composition (FAMC)
- Music Performance (FAMP)
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry (CHPM)
- Physics (SPHM)
- Psychology (PSYM)
- Social and Behavioral Studies (SSBH)
- Spanish (HUS)
- Spanish International (HUIS)
- Statistics (SSTM)
- Technical Theatre (FATT)
- Theatre Arts (FATA)
- Writing (HUW)