General/Undecided Engineering

Undecided about which area of engineering to pursue? No problem. You’ll have a chance to explore them all. Apply to the general engineering program, then transition to your chosen major.

Every engineering student at Michigan Tech takes the same core courses, and chooses a major after two or three semesters. You will get exposure to all the engineering fields before choosing a career path. While you are at it, you will gain the fundamental skills for success.

Experience collaborative engineering.

The first two or three semesters are designed to keep you on track to meet graduation requirements.

Engineering Explorations for First-year Students

First-year students in all engineering disciplines will take introductory courses and engage in Engineering Exploration sessions.

Explorations allows you to confirm your interest in your chosen major. If you are undecided, these explorations provide an opportunity to make an informed decision about your discipline.

Transition to a Major

Advisors help at every step.

Undergraduate academic advisors guide you by helping you to understand requirements that must be met before moving to your department of choice. Our faculty are easily accessible. We enjoy mentoring students!

Explore on Your Own

Learn about careers and programs at any time.

MTU engineering

Real Engineering. Meaningful Work.

We are committed to inspiring students, advancing knowledge, and innovating technological solutions to create a sustainable, just, and prosperous world. With an entering engineering class of about 1,000 students, 18 degrees to choose from, and 160+ faculty in the College of Engineering alone, we provide a world-class education with the trusted reputation of Michigan Tech.

As a student at Michigan Tech you’ll work closely with faculty mentors, immerse yourself in experience-powered learning, and gain a thorough understanding of engineering practice. Collaborate and innovate in laboratories, coursework, Enterprise, and Senior Design—you'll work with industry partners on real engineering projects and develop strong skill sets for your future.

You could study abroad, with engineering opportunities ranging from a few weeks to one full year. Or focus on problems facing disadvantaged communities in countries around the world. Michigan Tech’s Global and Community Engagement program offers you a range of options.

More than 400 employers regularly recruit our students for internships, co-ops, and full-time employment. Engineering students average seven interviews, and 98 percent are employed within their field of study, enlist in the military, or enroll in a graduate school within six months of graduation. A degree in engineering from Michigan Tech can take you anywhere.

Tomorrow Needs You

Engineers do a lot of things, but there's one thing we do first and foremost: we help people. We use creative ideas and technologies to solve problems in health care, energy, transportation, hunger, space exploration, climate change, and more—much more. Become an engineer who is ready for what tomorrow needs.

Student Stories