
Role of an advisor

Advising can be defined as offering constructive counsel and guidance to graduate students in order to assist them in meeting their academic and professional goals.

An advisor:

  • provides advice about course selection,
  • supervises student research (for students completing a dissertation, thesis, or report) and guides them to timely completion,
  • discusses with students about their educational and professional goals and potential career paths, and
  • plays an active role in the professional development of students.

Setting shared expectations and understanding what the advisor and graduate student can expect from each other is critical in having a healthy advising relationship.

Students shouldn't expect advisors to answer every question they have. It's important to develop a network of professionals to support career development. This network will include your examining committee, peer mentors, professional mentors, and other colleagues. These professional relationships will contribute to student's growth as a professional.


Graduate Program Directors

Find a listing of current graduate programs, graduate program directors, and graduate program assistants.

Graduate Faculty Locator

Search by graduate program to find faculty who can serve as advisors for graduate students. 

Forms and Deadlines

Find forms for students and programs.

Degree Completion Timeline

Find a list of items needed to complete a degree and when to complete them.

Degree Requirements

Find current degree requirements for graduate students.

Policies and Procedures

Find current policies and procedures for graduate students.

Finishing a Graduate Degree 

Theses and Dissertations |Reports

Read the current policies and procedures for the preparation and submission of these documents.

Online Seminars

Watch a seminar from the Graduate School to learn about the submission process, Adobe Acrobat, and Word.


Graduation, Certification, and Commencement

Forms and procedures required before graduation.


Financial Information and Resources


Learn about external funding opportunities.


Several types of assistantships are offered to Michigan Tech students.

The Graduate School Emergency Funds

A loan and/or grant available to Graduate Students who are in sudden financial need.

Travel Grants 

The GSG help students attend regional and national conferences.

Tax Information

Important tax information for resident and nonresident graduate students. On campus, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program is available to assist students in completing tax forms.

Additional resources available online, such as Sprintax, to assist International students in completing their tax returns.


Graduate School Staff

Answer questions regarding degree progress.

Student Health Insurance

Answer questions regarding health insurance

Office of Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX

Devoted to an environment that is free from prejudicial discrimination or harassment and that is conducive to learning and individual growth for all campus members and visitors. Includes Title IX, Disability Services, and more.

University Ombuds

Find support for informal conflict-mediation services.

Conflict Resolution Network

Find support and resrouces for conflict resolution.



Find out how to remove the most common holds on accounts.

Medical Withdrawal

Learn how graduate students with medical issues can apply for a leave of absence.

Tip Line

File an anonymous report about unusual behavior or alarming events on campus.

Student Concerns and Complaints

Find resources to address and report concerns.

Graduate School Grievance Policy

Learn about our policy for formal conflict resolution when informal resolution is unsuccessful.

Technology and Tools