Hitachi FB-2000A FIB

The Hitachi FB-2000A FIB uses a beam of focused high-energy (30 kV) gallium ions to remove material in a very controlled manner from inorganic specimens. The FB-2000A is a single beam system; that is, users image the specimen with the same beam used for milling. The column resembles that of an electron microscope and functions very much the same. Control of the ion beam is gained through the Unix workstation and fabrication software system that is designed to support both TEM sample preparation and pattern milling.

Close up the FIB instrument.


The FB-2000A can be considered a micro/nano machine shop. The FIB is normally configured with a TEM-style goniometer specimen introduction system. In the ACMAL facility, we currently utilize the FIB for two primary functions: TEM sample preparation and line pattern milling.

  • TEM prep can be carried out in the “in-situ” mode, using a micro-manipulator, where the partially prepared TEM wedge can be attached to the TEM grid inside the FIB and the post preparation can begin without removing the specimen.
  • Line patterning functions are carried out using the fabrication capabilities or the FIB. The FIB fabrication software facilitates rudimentary CAD drawing or importing of files.
  • Deposition of tungsten is provided for via software control. Two milling modes and seven aperture settings, all automated, provide users with high-speed milling or observation modes.
  • Sample sizes are limited to maxima of 5 mm x 10 mm x 1-2 mm thick for use of the goniometer sample system. Larger specimens can be accommodated in an SEM stage, although advance scheduling will be required for use of that stage.



Free online eTraining is available for this instrument. This self-paced tutorial and reference content does not replace course requirements for authorized usage.

Hitachi FB-2000A FIB Online Training
