FIB Fine Milling for Lift Out Technique

NOTE: It is very important that you are focused and registered at this step.

1. Click Get Image. At Area x Zoom = 256 x 8, focus and register M1-200.

Sputter tool.

2. Use the SPUTTER TOOL to draw a rectangular box with the following parameters:

  • Dimensions: ~11 x 2
  • Time: At least 4 min. per edge
  • Scan: see image below.

Sputter scan initial settings.

Box drawn on upper edge of protective pad.

Place the box on the upper edge of the protective pad and press Fabrication Start.

Drawn box.


Box drawn on lower edge of protective pad.

Repeat for the lower edge of the protective pad.

NOTE: Repeat the two preceding steps as necessary, alternating the mill on the upper and lower edge on the taper only, until specimen thickness measures 1 µm.

3. At Area x Zoom = 32 x 2, focus and register M1-100.

4. Repeat steps 2 -3 until the specimen is 0.6 µm.

5. Focus and register M1-50.

Specimen at an intermediate stage.

6. Repeat steps 2 -3 until the specimen is 0.2–0.3 µm.

7. Focus and register M1-50 or M0-50.

8. Final milling:

8.1. Change to Area x Zoom = 32 x 1.

Save and C. Copy buttons.

8.2. Under Stage menu, select C.Copy > Save to save stage position.

8.3. Enter 1 degrees to tilt.

Sputter tool.

8.4. Change area to Area x Zoom = 32 x 2 and Speed: 5. Use the SPUTTER TOOL to draw a rectangle with the following parameters:

  • Dimensions: ~11 x 0.5
  • Time: At least 4 min. per edge
  • Scan: see image below (away from edge).

Sputter scan second setting.

Correctly position the box on the upper edge.

8.5. Change Area x Zoom = 32 x 8 and press Fabrication Start. Run the mill many times to check the edge. Run until the specimen is ~70 nm.

NOTE: After changing the Area x Zoom to 32 x 8, only adjust the box VERTICALLY.

8.6. Change to Area x Zoom = 32 x 1 and Speed: Rapid.

8.7. Under the Stage menu, enter -1 degrees to tilt.

Sputter scan third setting.

8.8. Change area to Area x Zoom = 32 x 2 and Speed: 5. Use the SPUTTER TOOL to draw a rectangle with the following parameters:

  • Dimensions: ~11 x 0.5
  • Time: At least 4 min. per edge
  • Scan: see image to the left (away from edge).

REMINDER: After changing the Area x Zoom to 32 x 8, only adjust the box VERTICALLY.

8.8.1. Change Area x Zoom to 32 x 8 and press Fabrication Start. Run the mill many times to check the edge. Run until the specimen is ~70 nm.

8.8.2. Change Area x Zoom to 32 x 1 and Speed: Rapid. Under the Stage menu, enter 0 degrees to tilt back.

8.8.3. Change Area x Zoom to 32 x 8 and focus. You may need to change to Speed: 5. Click Get Image and measure.

8.8.4. The final specimen should be 50-70 nm.

9. Shut down the FIB after Lift Out. See Shut Down in Operating Procedures under Hitachi FB-2000 FIB.

Operating Procedure: Tungsten Deposition